Editor Instructions

The editor is easy to use. Just click with your mouse on an object type at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, then click in the map screen where you want the object to be placed. The right mouse button will select a second object and place it on the map. You can hold the Control key and then left click on an object in the map screen to rotate it. Only the Anti-tanks, Tank movers, Mirrors & Rotary mirrors can be rotated.

You can save your level in a file by selecting Save from the Level menu. You will then be asked to select a level number. If you select the highest number, you will be writing a new level. Anything else will replace the previous level. There is also a Clear High Score checkbox on the save window. When this is checked the high score for the level you are saving will be cleared. Selecting Close Editor will play the level you just edited. After returning from the editor, the high score features will be turned off temporarily until new levels are loaded from the level file. If you make your own levels you should store them in their own file. Then use the Load command to open the file.

When writing levels remember to set the suggested difficulty and the Hint from the menu. Also, fill out the title and author fields.

Title: The name of the Level. It will be displayed to the right of the game window when the level is loaded.
30 characters max

Author: Put your name or nickname here, it will be displayed when the level is loaded.
30 characters max

Hint: This is the message that will be displayed if the menu item is pressed.
255 characters max

Difficulty: Select one of the difficulties; kids, easy, medium, hard or deadly.

See Writing Your Own Levels