Recording & Playback of LaserTank Levels

Levels can be recorded for future playback, also long levels can be saved and then finished later. Playbacks are fun to watch and a great tool for writing levels. Each recording is stored in its own file. If you turn on AutoRecord every level you play will be automatically recorded.

Recording a game

To record a level, either have AutoRecord turned on or get to the level you want to record, and select Record Game from the Game menu. You can also select Record Game after you have started a level and the level will not reset but will record the whole level. The window title will say RECORDING to show that it is recording. Next, play the game as you normally would. It is okay to undo moves, restart the level and save and restore positions while recording. The only thing you can not do is Restart Undo. The recording will be terminated if you select New, enter the editor, skip to the next level or select Record Game a second time. You can select “Record Game” after you have started a level, the level will be recorded the same as if you started recording from the beginning of the level.

If you are playing a long level or just want to save the game where you are, you can do it in two steps. First turn on the recording Mode [F5], then Select Save Recording [F6]. This will save the level where you are. Then when you come back all you do is select Resume Recording [F8] and the game will replay to the point you saved it at. Note: the recording mode will now be on.

When the level is completed you will be asked for your name and then a file name. At this point the playback file will be written to disk.

This playback file contains:

Playback of a recorded LaserTank game

To playback a game, first make sure you selected the correct level data file (“LaserTank.lvl” or something else if you are playing with your own levels). Select Playback Game from the Game menu. You will be asked to load a playback file. The game level will be loaded and the Author of the recording will be shown. If the correct level is shown then press ok, if something is wrong then press cancel.

The Playback Game dialog should now be opened. You can select the playback speed; fast, slow, or single step. Press Play to start the playback. The play button will change to pause which can be pressed to pause playback. There is also a Reset button if you want to start from the beginning again. The speed can also be changed while the game is playing; this is good for slowing down playback at critical places.

When you are done, press the close button and the playback game dialog will be closed. You will need to restart the level to play it.